MDCC - Culinary Arts Technology
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Hospitality & Tourism
Culinary Arts Technology

Hospitality & Tourism
Culinary Arts Technology

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Culinary Arts Technology

Located on the MDCC Greenville Campus (GHEC)

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The Culinary Arts Technology concentration provides a solid foundation in the methods and science of cooking through exposure to classical, American, and international cuisine, as well as the art of baking and pastries. Special emphasis is placed on culinary tools, equipment, techniques, and specialty ingredients. The heart of the Culinary Arts Technology program is hands-on lab instruction by a chef instructor in a commercial kitchen. All students must wear appropriate chef’s uniforms for all lab classes.

Completion options include a Technical Certificate, Advanced Technical Certificate and Associate of Applied Science degree.

Course Check Sheets

Technical Certificate
Advanced Technical Certificate
Associate of Applied Science


 For more information, contact

David Crews

Norman "David" Crews

Culinary Arts Instructor
Office: Greenville Campus

