Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
Precision Agriculture Technology
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
Precision Agriculture Technology
Main Content Section
Precision Agriculture Technology
Upon successfully completing the Precision Agriculture Technology program, students will have gained a working knowledge and understanding of emerging technologies in the agricultural arena. They will also have received practical, hands-on experience in an in-situ environment involving the disciplines below.
Recent developments in entomology, plant pathology, and weed science in conjunction with advanced technologies such as remote sensing (RS), global positioning systems (GPS), geographic information systems (GIS), and variable rate technology (VRT), have the potential to enhance agricultural profitability significantly. In addition, the implementation of this technology can greatly improve environmental quality by reducing the volume of agricultural chemicals applied.
Admission Requirements
Students must submit a composite score of 14 or higher on the ACT. A minimum score of 14 is also required on the Mathematical Usage and Reading sections. In addition to this ACT requirement, re-admit or transfer students must have a 2.0 cumulative GPA. Students who do not have an ACT score, must score at the 9th grade level or higher on the TABE, Form 9/10 to be admitted to the program. Exceptions may be made with instructor permission for students that do not meet entrance requirements.
Completion options are a Advanced Technical Certificate and an Associate of Applied Science degree.
Course Check Sheets
Advanced Technical Certificate
Associate of Applied Science
For more information, contact

James "Steele" Robbins
Precision Agriculture Instructor
Office: Allen-Foley Career-Technical Center